You Filed for Divorce — Now How Do You Tell Your Loved Ones?

It is not easy telling someone that you are getting a divorce. You might share the same pool of friends and are close to both sides of the family. This sensitive topic might feel impossible to reveal, especially when you do not know how others will react.

Coming up with a plan will help you tackle this emotionally exhausting time in your life.

When can I announce my divorce?

You can announce your divorce at any point you feel comfortable enough to do so. Before you disclose your divorce publically, there are people who deserve to know first. Out of respect, tell your children, very close friends, and family you regularly speak to in advance of any other announcement.

Additionally, when having that conversation with your children, coordinate with the other parent about how you will break the news. Children benefit from honest conversations about how their family is changing.

How should I break the news?

News of your divorce does not need to be a grand event. You do not need to share very personal details with your family and friends. In fact, the simpler the announcement, the better. Even if the reason for ending your marriage is messy, try to keep your messages or conversations respectful. Thank people for their support and set boundaries if you do not want to discuss anything further.

Because social media is now an integral part of society, remember that in family law cases, attorneys might use any of your posts as evidence. Avoid hurting your case by being cautious about what you publish online. Now is not the time to air your grievances, point fingers, or act impulsively.

If you are still communicating with your soon-to-be ex-spouse, try to coordinate with him or her on when to reveal your divorce. This way, you could potentially create a divorce announcement together.

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