Why Parents Should Negotiate a Parenting Agreement

Often, after a relationship has ended, the parties may not want to speak one another. With a child involved, parents will have to speak to each other at some point because they will need to figure out a child custody arrangement. They could go to court to dispute and let a judge decide, but if possible, parents should consider discussing the matter with each other and seeing if they can work together to negotiate a parenting agreement.

The parenting plan should be one that works for them, but also one that benefits the child. The arrangement should be fair and allow both parents the time and opportunity to develop and grow their relationship with the child. Depending on the child’s age and each parent’s work schedule, they may each be able to spend an equal amount of time with the child.

Many parents may not understand why they should negotiate a parenting agreement rather than let a judge decide, but the answer is simple: it benefits all parties involved. This is because two parents drafting an agreement may be a bit more understanding than a judge when it comes to awarding custody and deciding on a visitation schedule. Also, some parents are more cooperative when they’re able to discuss custody issues with the child’s other parent alone or with an attorney than if they go to court. Negotiating can save time and reduce the stress and anger a person may feel.

Even though parents don’t always need to go before a judge for child custody issues, when they cannot agree on an arrangement that works for all parties involved, they usually must let a judge decide for them. When this happens, neither parent may get the time that they want with their child, which means no one is happy with the outcome. For that reason, parents should hire an attorney from the Law Office of Michael D. Tracton, who can help them discuss the child custody arrangement in a calm manner.

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