State Senator Seals Christmas Wishes for Adopted Children

U.S. senator for Texas, John Cornyn, helped two Guatemalan toddlers reunite with their adoptive parents after years of patient waiting and endless paper work.

The two children, ages 5 and 6, were finally brought to Texas to live in their new homes.

One couple sought to adopt a baby girl in 2007 shortly after her birth, but the Guatemalan government suspended its inter-country adoptions. Following years of investigations and delays due to corruption and political instability, the Texas couple had to wait five more years before they were able to bring the little girl home.

Throughout that time, they never lost hope, visiting her and working on building a family bond across the miles. It was a drawn-out and frustrating process, according to statements from interviews with the anxious couple. They expressed heartbreak at missing so many things like losing the first tooth and taking the first step.

In a similar situation, a 4-month-old boy was to be released to his adoptive parents in 2007, but the government moratorium brought the process to a halt. The Texas couple had to wait six more years to complete the adoption process.

State Senator Cornyn was able to facilitate the adoption process and while both sets of parents persisted with visits and continued hope, the final word finally arrived that the adoption process had been completed.

The two small children were able to join their families and become part of loving homes who wanted to raise them in a safe and nurturing environment. These two children in need became part of families in which they gained sibling and parents who had served their country.

Not all adoption stories have happy endings. There are still many couples and families anxiously awaiting the completion of their cases. For individuals who wish to provide loving homes for children in need both here and overseas, they live with the hope of receiving the gift of a child to love and be loved.

Source:, “John Cornyn, guest columnist: Helping children find forever families” John Cornyn, Dec. 26, 2013

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