How to Avoid Becoming a Divorce Statistic

No one gets married anticipating a divorce but when a union ends, there is emotion, bitterness and confusion. Many litigants are vulnerable and will take poor advice, which can turn into a bad decision. All the lists we make and strategies we plot, will amount to nothing unless we make ourselves aware of some common post-marriage pitfalls.

First and foremost, we need to do some research in order to contract the right person to examine our finances and represent our best interests in court. After you have spoken to a financial person and a legal expert, make sure you ask them questions and be open to their suggestions. Keep asking questions until you fully comprehend each and what future consequences might not be foreseen in your current situation.

Another huge pitfall is settling for more than you can afford or less than what you actually need. Be attentive to your income, expenses and items you must budget for. Remove the non-essentials. Do not settle hoping some factor will change.

A spouse who ends up paying should always be realistic in what the financial future will bring. You don’t want to fall into the trap of paying more than you can afford. If you are the person receiving alimony or child support, the same is true. Don’t overcommit. This is not only common sense, it can avoid future returns to court.

Finally, making decisions when you are angry or sad could endanger the well-being of everyone involved. You want to be able to stand by your principles in a clear-headed way. Do not stray from your basic core values as it will catch up to you later. If your situation is negotiated, build in some capacity to alter future nuances.

If you or a loved one are planning or going through a divorce, it is advisable to contact an expert in family law that you can trust and who will have your best interests at heart.

Source:, “7 Tips to Avoiding a Disastrous Divorce” Peter Clement, Aug. 20, 2013

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