If Divorce Is in Your Future, Start Preparing Now

If you are starting the divorce process, you have some work ahead of you. You may not have ever expected to be in this position, but you now must seriously act in your own best interests, which may be in serious conflict with your soon-to-be ex’s desires. The fact is, it is imperative that you protect yourself financially in every way possible. Whatever you have after the divorce is settled will be the foundation of your life moving forward.

So what can you do to better ensure your personal security? Well, there are a few measures you can start taking today. For instance, you can take an inventory of your assets. You will likely be entitled to a share of everything that you and your ex acquired during the marriage, so you want to make sure it is all accounted for.

As part of the inventory process, you can go around the house and take time-stamped, digital photos of valuable items such as collectibles, antiques, and jewelry. A digital photo record of your valuables can be very handy if some of the items “disappear.”

You can also begin extricating your assets by opening your own credit card account, savings account, and checking account. These accounts should be in your name only. And for the sake of confidentiality, you may want to use a different bank from the one that you used with your spouse.

These are just a couple of things you can do to help yourself be in the best financial shape possible post-divorce. And seeking the aid of an experienced divorce attorney is another important step you can take. An attorney can help you prepare for your divorce negotiations and act on your behalf in an effort to get you the fairest settlement possible.

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